Holy Fuck…..what a night…… traded in my infield season seats for 3 front row bleachers…..was able to bring my girl and my Dad to the game…..and what a fucking game……last time my Dad and I were in the World Series…..well, first I cried tears of joy that I could share a World Series with my Dad….a real life Field of Dreams moment for me…..well, that sweet day in 2002 turned bitter sweet with the result of the game…..it was Game 3 and the Angels handed us our heads on a platter…….
Fast forward to tonight's crushing of the Rangers …..man….this fucking game reversed any scars I had from that Game 3…..hell my Dad was there tonight AND there for the walk off win in Game 4 of the NLCS and I got to tell you…..he has had one hell of a postseason……
So here I am, voice completely spent to the point that I can't even talk…..up 2-0 with our work still cut out for us as we travel to Texas…..and I tell you what, even though I have tickets for Game 6 and 7……I really fucking hope they close the deal on the road…..sure I would LOVE to celebrate on the field…..but I ain't taking any fucking chances……too many years that ended in misery…..when you are this close to promise land, you don't take the scenic route….you hop on the fucking expressway and you put the pedal to the floor……it takes 4 wins to take home the trophy…..we got 2…..now lets concentrate on getting that 3rd win before we even think of a 4th…….
Now Statsheads and sabermetrics is all good with me…..but it is also a dangerous thing when people don't understand what they are talking about…..Stats are NOT the game, Stats DESCRIBE the game…..and Stats in the wrong hands make idiots sound intelligent……I bring this up because if you have been following the Giants closely the last few years, you have likely heard how Cain wasn't GOOD, he was just LUCKY……and lucky…..and lucky……and man, looks like Cain has been lucky for another year and right into the postseason.;……you know what, take your theories and suck my left nut sack……cause I know what I see, and this guy is a FUCKING STUD……now I may use the F Bomb more than most, but I cannot emphasis this point enough….CAIN IS A MOTHERFUCKING GODDAMN FUCKING STUD…..there, I think that did it….move along…….
Holy shit….I thought Edgar was supposed to be old and broken down…..well someone poured some Rocket Fuel into that old engine, cause Edgar has been solid on the D and CRUSHED a high fastball 10 rows deep for the first run of the game….chip in a single to break the game open in the 8th and he got some serious consideration for the Gameball……who knew….of the 16 starting position players, Edgar's 3 homers were less than EVERY SINGLE PLAYER IN EITHER LINEUP…..Hell, even Matt Mr Misty May Treanor had 7 Homers…….
Nice play to 1) make Young think twice about being doubled off 2) keep Hamilton's ball in front of him……and battled a 10 pitch walk in the 7th and scored the BIG 2nd run of the game……and of course played his part in the 8th inning merry go round…..
Nice backhand stab in Triples Alley in the 7th….
BIG RBI to plate the second run of the night and solid D on the left side once again…..
Nursing a 2 run lead in the 8th, got Hamilton with a runner on 2nd and 2 down seemingly handing Wilson a 2 run lead to protect in the 9th……
Man, I got to say that I was really confused by Washington's bullpen usage….Oliver was his guy to face Huff…..and then Uribe and Renteria???..... Well I'll take that matchup any day of the week…and it paid off for the Giants…..honestly I expected O'Day to get the call…...he has been your go to right handed setup guy, I think you HAVE to go back to him and maybe he doesn't hang a slider this time….But the real move….or lack of move was watching Holland be left out there to die….. now follow me if you will……starting from the time his first pitch missed the zone……the 65 second mark was the 1st walk…ok, just the first hitter……he will find the zone……his 6th straight ball comes at the 2:25 point, here maybe you get someone warm……3:40 mark his 8th straight ball and the pitching coach heads to the mound, here you HAVE to get someone warm……4:50 mark, another ball and finally SOMEONE starts to get warm….6:18 mark….finally a strike……6:37 mark, ball four run scores and he is out of the game……ok, now it took Lowe about 1:47 to get ready…..if you start him warming after 6 straight balls maybe he can come in before a run scores…..hell, if you start him warming during the coaches visit, you can stall for 30 more seconds and get him warm……and ALL THIS WITH AN OFF DAY tomorrow and IN THE FUCKING WORLD SERIES…..good god, Washington….this isn't a trip into Cleveland in June…..you USE what you GOT……you don't just hand this game over to the Giants……and when it was 2-0, they still had a shot….but as soon as it went 3-0 your odds went the wrong way really fucking quick…….now, it may be nit picking, but IN THE MOMENT as was just FLABERGASTED THAT NOBODY was IN THE PEN….hell, even just standing there READY TO START WARMING……….
Yeah……that was a nice hit there…..your loss…..our gain…….
Watching the postgame interview yesterday, I got the feeling Molina wasn't that upset about the loss……sure, he's a competitor…..but we all know he is a big softy,…..and for some reason I get the feeling he wouldn't mind losing if it meant a ring for all his friends……I mean he DID spend 3 1/2 years here….his self described BEST YEARS OF HIS CAREER……and that warm welcome in Game 1 must have pulled at those heart strings……maybe I'm crazy, but something makes me believe this……maybe Molina ain't the Ranger secret weapon we thought after all…..I mean, hell he is hitting 350 in the postseason and Washington is still using Treanor as a "personal catcher" for Wilson….come on, think Eli Whiteside is going to catch Sanchez on Saturday????.....yeah, not fucking likely……
and yes, they are SMOKING WEED……not crack….and yes, its one hell of a fucking ballpark, thank you very much……
(The fine print: There will be cussing and bad taste. This is written with the heat of the moment feel you may have during the game, with rational thought sprinkled in now and then. This is entertainment folks, sure there is a lot of truth and I am a genius, but this is all about having a laugh and enjoying the ride…….now lets go heckle Jeff Kent when he gets inducted to Cooperstown..)
by merkin
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