Thursday, April 01, 2010

Giants Infielders 2010 ..... GAMER or HEADCASE Pt 2

Ok, looks like we are rolling… so stay with me as we move to the infield with GAMER or HEADCASE……or to put it in 2010 marketing speak, ILLUSION or TRICK

Instead of an offseason talking about how Pablo had the best first full season by a Giants homegrown player since Will Clark in 1987, instead of talking about Pablo hitting the most homers by a homegrown player since Matt Williams in 1994…all we heard this offseason was detailed diet and workout plans of Operation Panda….good bless Pablo, man…. after a season like Pablo had, any other player in the league would have blown a gasket when every question was about how many slices of Pizza he ate this offseason.. DOESN'T ANYONE WANT TO TALK ABOUT FUCKING BASEBALL????? Pablo hit .330 BA with 25 BOMBS PEOPLE……yeah, he could use some guidance with his diet and fitness, but do you have to make that the Giants Headline all season long???? Is the Front office even fucking thinking???? Sorry guys, if I had habits to change and it became a headline…..I am eating fucking handfuls of goddamn twinkies just to spite the powers that be…….thank god Pablo is such a good natured son of a bitch……..oh yeah, expect more of the same….

Well ain't that a bitch, Sabean rewards player with a rich contract only to watch their career worst year (stop me if you heard this one before)…..bone chips? ok, I buy that……332 BA from 2007? THAT I don't buy…. best case, .270-290 BA ..330-.350 OBP with 10-15 HR…..but now 2 years removed from his career year coming off surgery and turning 34 this season??? I am guessing we are looking at .260 BA .320 OBP with 10-15 HR… least if the wheels don't fall off……

All Star Batting Champ Freddy Sanchez…..This is some sort of bad joke right??? I am thinking a better moniker would be Sabean's Yearly Contract to Regret Circa 2010 Freddy Sanchez…. Knee + Knee +Shoulder, good god, hope he gets traded to Toronto so he can take advantage of that Universal Canuck healthcare……Prediction for 2010? limited 350 at bats after bouts with Rickets Shingles and Gout……

Ok, so who the fuck names their kid AUBREY??? Guess that was an easy shot, but it needed to b said. Pasty flabby white guy that would looks more like a professional bowler, than a baseball player. Sure that's racist, but he's white so its OK ;)…Anyways, the guy certainly has pop in his bat, but the hard part is getting the bat to contact the ball….hell, even getting his glove to contact the ball is an issue at times…..He better come out of the gate with a bushel of bombs, or the Giants faithful won't stand for his defense…. and yes, after watching JT for so many years, and even Ishi and Galarraga we are a bit spoiled……average first baseman = butcher in SF Giants fan speak… add that to his reputation of "having a good time and this don't look good..…Really this could go either way, but I think AT&T is going to kill his power, as many those homers robbed by the Brick Wall in Right and Triples alley are turning into Doubles and even Singles with his foot speed…..(9 of 204 career HR went OPPO)….Hope I am wrong but I don't see him getting more than 400AB's with 10-15 HR's….

Ahh Travis, our hearts may wonder but they always come back to you….Glove so slick, bat so powerful… why don't you just break out already……I am still hopeful, as Travis is still young enough to become a solid player, but time and opportunities aren't unlimited…. I remained convinced there is something mechanically wrong with Travis…..I have never seen a player look like he is right on a pitch only to do the swing through….I am predicting……ok, maybe praying that Bam Bam can fix whatever is wrong…but I doubt it…….really in the end I will be forced to realize our

Much like Krukowisms, best served in small doses…..not he isn't the .300 hitter you saw last year, no he won't fulfill the promise he showed as a Rockies Prospect at the beginning of the Millennium…..but he WILL play any time he is asked and any where he is asked without complaint….and he WILL swing at a high fast ball like a starving Filipino Boy presented with a Piñata stuffed with Lumpia and Spam…..I mean, good god when a hitter swings this hard without snapping a bone or tearing a ligament its hard not to like….especially when every once in a while he connects… extras… beat the DOGGIES…..




(The fine print: There will be cussing and bad taste. This is written with the heat of the moment feel you may have during the game, with rational though sprinkled in now and then. This is entertainment folks, sure there is a lot of truth and I am a genius, but this is all about having a laugh and enjoying the ride…….now lets go heckle Jeff Kent in when he gets inducted to Cooperstown..)

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