Only not the good kind Mr Krukow……
And for those of you who said "GAME OVER" after the 3 run shot……sadly enough, that was more true than you think……
Here is that thing again
And that stupid thing doesn't even take into account that we suck….amazing……
Giants MVP's?
Torres +0.020
Valdez +0.003
Renteria -0.001
and Carol's 3 run shot? +0.216 or 43.2% of a win
Mr -0.001, finished 3rd in Win Probablilty Added…..BY NOT SUCKING as badly as 14 other Giants…..
But really, I will give him the game ball for saving us the embarrassment of being no hit with a leadoff single in the 7th…..
Do I need to rationalize Man-Love to you
Something about the way the sun gleams off his gold necklace as he tracks down flyballs leave me smitten……a failed prospect is just another word for a guy who just needs ONE MORE CHANCE…..Frandsened (that's a verb now, right) by Tigers way back when, has been the 25th man on the roster for too long….sure he is long in the tooth, but that speed is intact…..…and hey, he wouldn't be the first speedster to break out post 30……(see Nixon, Otis)
No real place for him to play…..but a speedster with range and instincts in center in ATT….shift Rowand over to left or right….don't matter to me, I just love dreaming of that speed/ instinct package in center……Hey, a man can dream…….
Hey, he went on 3 days rest……dumb or not… player…..and saved the arms of youngsters on the staff…….although I would have loved to see what Pucetas could do……and now that I think about it, Sanchez owes RJ dinner…..I'm sure Sanchez DIDN’T WANT to see what Pucetas could do…..
OH where do I start
First off, what the fuck is up with your name…..I don't care if you add an extra T to your first names, and an extra L and R to your last name… got two first names and they are both female…..
Second, this 26 year old had to wait until his 100th at bat to pick on a 50 year old man on short rest to get his first HR……sure, I bet RJ will be a Hall of Famer at his peak when CAROL tells the story to his grandchildren about his only HR in the majors before the Marlins wised up and brought up a player with actual talent……
A Marlin?? got to be one of the worst team names in baseball…..I mean when Sports use animal nicknames, they should stick to general names or well known animals or even the bird motif works…..
Bears, Tigers, Lions Blue Jays, Orioles, Cardinals, Sharks, even Dolphins….but a MARLIN????
Good god, most people probably don't even know what are Marlin is…..
Hey Dbacks Bengals Rays and Ravens, would fall in the same category, but at least they are menacing………..what the fuck is a Marlin going to do to me……poke me????
hell Miami Land Sharks would be a better name…..
PS….Don't ask me what I think of the "Miami Heat"……
OK……baseball in a cavernous football stadium… tubs in right…….cheerleaders, teal uniforms, and a FUCKING FISH for a mascot…..that Organ isn't going to fool me into thinking this is Old timey Baseball, I don't care how many times you play "GOTTA HAVE HEART….MILES AND MILES AND MILES OF HEART…."
And the Green Acres theme only works if there are fans in the stands to clap
Speaking of which……do you really think a dome is going to transform Miami into a baseball town??? You wanna go to the beach for free get drunk and check out some young betties? or you wanna pay way too much to go indoors and watch some baseball……Hell even if you got kids, you would rather go to the beach
Sure, whatever hardcore fans there are (all 7 of them) will go…..hey, they are already there!
4 game series in Miami???? Hell 1/2 of Miami didn't even know there was a game……this has got to be the worst schedule I have seen…..2 gamers, 4 gamers, no off day for travel….off days when you don’t need them A's and Giants homestanding together…..what did you hire all the old GM Execs to be your Schedule makers or something…….tell you what….let the Japanese make the schedules next time…….
Sucked….get used to it…..
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