Back in the lineup with that slick glove and that uppercut stroke…..He's got the swing, he's got the power……and I will keep harping and harping on it… he needs to make contact…….the big change to his game in his breakout 2008 was 1) Fly Ball Rate and 2) Contact rate……..he's maintaining the Fly Ball rate……now he can just cut down on those swing and misses…….maybe it comes with time and pitch recognition…..maybe it’s a flaw in his approach…..whatever it is… was working today as he crushed a line drive shot to Right for a short lived lead……and more importantly to me…..0 K's……
Wow…..this is going to be a short list……so Mr Merkin, you are here not for your performance…..but the amusement you provided me as you tried to concentrate on pitching while clearly distracted by your wardrobe You could see him look down at his untucked shirt and think….should I stop and tuck, or should I throw……ok throw…..and then look down again, tuck a little and ….ok throw…..oh it came untucked on the other side……whatever…..ok throw…….no, got to tuck……drop the glove and tucked ……man, I swear he was paying so much attention to his shirt, that he probably completely forgot there was a man on 1st……
As a famous Yankee Catcher once said…'s" Déjà vu all over again"…..seems it was just five days ago we reviewed the option rule and determined that we had seen the last of Sanchez……this kid is just about as frustrating as it gets, constantly getting himself in trouble, and yet talented enough to wriggle off the hook over and over …but not forever…..You see despite all the physical talent in the word, "90% of baseball is half mental," and Sanchez is stuck on the short bus……..
4-5-6 Hitters……
You saw it coming didn't you? Molina, Winn, Lewis…..a combined 0 for 9 with 3 K's….
Double clutch cost the Giants 90 feet and an out……and a double play quickly ended the only real threat this offense could muster
Make a move already……I can understand not wanted to trade Sanchez, but he AINT suddenly going to find it at this level with the bright lights and pressure…..send him to Fresno to straighten himself out……at this point you would hardly get anything for him in trade, not until he demonstrates the ability to throw strikes….and at this point he needs to be dismantled and fixed……band-aids ain't doing it…….
Wow…Miller, Fosse, and Krukow……a bit awkward as they tried to give equal time to both teams……never seen that situation before……but NBC gets the game and the broadcasters and the decisions…..and hell …..the broadcast booth was the only part of the game the Giants could actually come out ahead…..
So a few days after we reviewed the options status of Sanchez, you hear that he is out of options…..ok, wouldn't be the first time I smoked the crack pipe….and then a few days later they reverse course and let us know he HAS options….Okaaaaaaaaaaaaay……..first, Giants front office say they were misquoted…..second, how hard was it to look up…..hell, all I had to do was…..Wikipedia + Baseball Reference Game Log + Giants Transaction Archive……I will be sending my resume to Sabean tomorrow…..of course I might throw off the curve at 24 Mays Plaza……
WOW….just WOW……a replica Series Trophy behind the plate….Good God, how long did that take you????? and I can't imagine going to the game and trying like hell not to break it as you shuttle back and forth to the park…….I mean, I can understand obsession…hell I put in hours and hours on this thing……but good god, even I wouldn't go that far……so many easier ways to get the message across……Hell, I would blow up a picture of the trophy…..would have the same effect……but whatever……hope you had your fun…..
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