Wow…I am still shaking…..can't believe it…. hell I was thinking MAYBE Timmy could do it before he's done, but……Sanchez……. the very same Sanchez whose start we were dreading?
Why are Giants fans calling each other and crying in each others arms, talking about their lives and past…..why am I still shaking and my heart still racing. If you aren't a Giants fan, I am not sure you can get this feeling….. This kinda thing doesn't happen to us……an MVP, and Home Run Champ, sure….. but this pitching excellence is not something we were brought up thinking about or expecting….. You say "Giant's No Hitter" and Giants fans are thinking Mike Scott's No Hitter in 1986… not Montefusco…… In fact, I would even go as far as saying that Giants fans have this twisted complex about National Attention…. we feel like we are always cast as the bad guy, the opponent, to be feared but never loved…perhaps even the middle child whose achievements are cast aside as meaningless………and of course this was driven home by the Panda snub twice in two days……...well my friends…..…when you turn on ESPN Classic next week…. you might just see the Giants get some credit and this time we can be the good guys………
Dirty, Nasty, Filthy…..whatever he was throwing, it was moving and snapping….past and through the bats of the Padres……Perhaps hearing the whispers of being shipped out for a bat, Sanchez's wheels fell off he was banished to the bullpen. There he seemed to find his form in two short but sparkling outings. Knowing the trade value was almost gone, Giants fans "discussed," no….. "hoped" he could turn into a reliable reliever like he was in 2006 when he first arrived in San Francisco. No one, and I mean NO ONE expected what happened tonight….. the depleted Padres had their best chance for a win in the "Sanchez Game' the newly confident Giants Fans were thinking…..but wow…..just wow…….
Never seen this guy go back on a ball so hard and so fast in his 1+ years in a Giants uniform…..great freaking play on a ball crushed by E Gonzales in the 9th…..guess the no-no gave you an extra step
Speaking of an extra step…..Edgar's play on the bouncer in the hole? Never makes that play before tonight…..but with a little fire in his belly he not only ranged and picked it clean, he made a quick exchange and fired a Rocket to gun down the 2nd baseman Rodriguez, who ain't exactly slow…..
The story of the night before Sanchez with a BOMB over the 20 foot wall near the cable car…..add to that a stolen base and this kid just continues to impress….at least everyone in the Bay Area……
If you ever believed in a personal catcher……or even if you don't…..Sanchez starts, give him Whiteside…..I don't care way, you just don't fuck with a good thing, ok?
Well this story didn't have a villain… the bitterness about Manuel seemed to fade with every out….. but as I started tweeting my happiness… I received a message from one of the many baseball writers I follow.
"That last pitch wasn't a strike"
Yes, it was true…. and could be true of a few pitches…. but as I watched Sanchez hug his father and my phone rang with Friends congratulating Friends, this is not what I wanted to read….
I responded with "Yes, we can see, what do you want an asterisk"
I figured I would just be ignored, but instead I get
"The asterisk would be for facing that Padres lineup not for the last strike"
This obviously touched a nerve on this Giants fan after the last to days of BS…..
And after all the BS we heard about Schmidt gem against the Marlins, being JUST the Marlins…….the thought crossed my mind 6 innings into the game…..yes, the Padres are weakest offense in baseball, but last I checked they hadn't been contracted or had their Major League Status striped……
My response to this was
" Yes, was waiting for that one. Are you liking your own wit, or really that cold a person? Can you enjoy the moment?"
To which I got something like,
"why are you so sensitive, its all in fun"
Well no, this week was no fun…. and honestly between work and baseball, I have started to lose my hair…. and not the normal kind…. the stress kind where it come out in clumps…..and no, I am not kidding (kinda fucked up, eh?)
But whatever Jorge, sorry if I took your tone wrong. And now it occurs to me you might actually be a Padres fan, to which I can't really do or say anything that can hurt as bad as watching that team on a daily basis…. but I need a villain, and I started writing this when I was pissed. I am no longer pissed, but I sure as hell ain't gonna rewrite this…..
So hope you are big enough to congratulate a 27th round pick from a Junior College, whose dad got to see him pitch for the first time……lets break down the lineup and the strike-zone in tomorrow's edition…..
No we haven't forgotten…..but we will leave this for another day……. and yes, I would pop you in the mouth if I got to meet you….. and I know you won't back down from a fight….. man, wouldn't that be fun…..yeah, beating up an old man is no fun, but I bet this son of a bitch could still put up a good fight, don't you
Nah…..what a way to lose a perfect game, and it sure woulda been sweet……but from what I hear he is too nice a guy to get mad at, and he did have 3 hits including the 1st run of the game…..and I bet he is feeling a little guilty….well at least after the celebration dies down…..
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