WHOOOOOOA……Calm Down People…….the Sky isn’t falling, I mean Christ the Giants have lost 4 in a row and that is a silly reason to get all up in arms……. You can't get too high or too low in a 162 game season…….….The season is young and there is plenty of baseball yet to play…..history is littered with teams that start slowly out of the gate only to find themselves and compete for a title………........................(Merkin cues crickets……..chirp……chirp…..)…. FUCK THAT SHIT, the team looks like shit…….Cant Hit, Cant Pitch, Cant Field…..hell they are probably screwing up the Post Game Showers……..the season is less than 1 week old, and already we long for the good old days when we could bitch about Renteria being overpaid, or how it would be a good year if Zito could somehow end up a .500 pitcher……well right now we are all wishing somehow the Giants could be a .500 team……The strength of the team was supposed to be its pitching and yet after consecutive disappointing starts from Johnson and Timmy we find ourselves last in the league in ERA……The offense stink as expected and the Defense is riddled with holes…….Hell the only part of the game the Giants haven't totally screwed up is baserunning…..only because they haven’t had any GODDAMN BASERUNNERS………so hide the children this year looks like its going fucking ugly…….as the Giants turn in their 5 consecutive losing season….which would be a first in San Francisco Giants history………
Ugly as the Giants pitching staff, hair as wild as the Giants defense, and a sex life as vibrant as the Giants offensive....sure she could probably beat Bengie in a foot race…..but she has something else going for her Behind that ugly façade is one kick ass voice……..…..and no….I;m not turning gay…..cause the whole time I was thinking about banging that hot blonde judge……
Hey, someone didn't screw the pooch today
Yes, we still hate you…..you fat fuck!
Everybody in the whole goddamn organization should be taken out an maimed….from the Neukom all the way down the dudes sweeping the concourse after you spill your peanuts……..just take em out back and break a couple kneecaps…..
by merkin
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