Price: $6.25
Location: Behind section 112
Condiments: Relish and Yellow Mustard
Cooked: Grilled
Size: Medium/ Large
Had some bad experiences at this stand, so I have grown weary......
"Whatchuwananit" the Vendor asked, once I was able to peel her away from her conversation.....
My Mind flashed back to the San Francisco Dog.... and I said....... "NOTHING!"
So I garnished lightly with Relish and anonymous yellow mustard and made my way back to my seat.....
The bread was very soft and had some good chew... a little large for the dog, but not a problem....
The skin gave way freely and had a somewhat stiff texture.....
The sausage itself was a little unexpected......very subtle flavor..had a hint of a sour tang to it. and was just a hint salty, but not bad....
I would describe the flavor as a quality hot dog with a hint of polish flavor........
Nothing special, but really not a bad dog...
Had a pretty good size to it, but not huge.....
Not a great value, not a great dog......but really not bad either.....
This is as middle of the road as they come.....
I would eat one again... but there are at least 5 others at ATT I would rather have
Overall Rating: 3 out of 5 Blocked Arteries
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